Promedia Podcast

Promedia Podcast Episode 011



Hi there and welcome to episode 11 of the Promedia Podcast. If you would like to use any of the songs featured on my Podcasts please let me know don’t forget you can drop me an email and I can provide you with a higher quality version if required Something a bit different for this week, it’s the “all jingle show”. Each one of these tracks was composed or submitted to be used as a jingle for another Podcast, if you’re a big Podcast fan you may have heard some of them already. The first three were create for the Excel Guru himself Bill Jelen, the first song was inspired by duelling banjos with Bill battling it out with fellow podcaster to see who has the best solution to your Excel problems. I don’t know a lot about programming banjo but I was really pleased with the results. Track two again was for Bill; he wanted a jingle for his Where is it Wednesday Podcast; I decided to keep it simple and catchy (all the best jingles are) and ripped off High School Musical, if you’re going to