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Health Empowerment | Episode 17 - A look back at previous episodes Part 2



Health Empowerment was a Radio Show featuring Natural Health Expert, Croft Woodruff and co-host Peter Schaad. Health Empowerment News is a new show following in the spirit of the old radio show. It can found foods are NOT Learn about your natural health options, meet the industry experts, and uncover the politics of health. Croft Woodruff, PHD Croft Woodruff is literally a walking enclycopedia of natural health. Croft is former president of the Canadian Health Food Association, past president of the BC Chelation Therapy Association and Cofounder of the Health Action Network. Researcher, lecturer, broadcaster with over 15 years on the radio with his own health show. Croft has an honorary Master Herbalists designation and holds an honorary membership in the Naturopathic College of Quebec. He was awarded a PHD in Philosphy for lifetime achievement. With 40 years in the Natural Health industry Croft has seen it all.
