Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Conquer Kilimanjaro w/ former NFL + Special Forces Nate Boyer



Ready to take on the highest mountain in Africa? Former NFL and Special Forces Nate Boyer, his NFL friends and military veterans are more than ready to crush it. Hang out w/ Nate + Allison this week and learn about this extraordinary mission. Not only is this team conquering the legendary mountain, they are also out in Africa digging wells and changing lives. This ep covers a range of cool ground. Learn the secret to joining the NFL after never playing football growing up. Hear some of the amazing adventures Nate has had all over the world from Russia to Darfur. Discover how to sleep in the middle of a firefight. And in a face off between mouse on a stick and goat intestines, do you know what stacks up as best? You will after this ep. And head over to www.waterboys.org to learn more and pitch in to help this NFL/combat veterans team out in Africa change lives.