Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Learn how to jump like the best in Special Operations



Drop Zone - Special Operations Military Free Fall. We’re going inside this world of elite military jumping – and you’re being given the tour by an ultimate insider. In fact, we’re going to hang out w/ Marty while he’s working at a drop zone coaching some of the world’s top special operators. We can’t disclose the location. Or who he is with. But you will hear the planes taking off and landing in the background. Here’s what you need to know about our guest today. He served as a Reconnaissance Marine and now he coaches only the very best special operations folks in the world. Today, we’re hooking you up with the very special and unique opportunity to learn from him too. He is a God of the Sky. Kid you not. He’s got more than 5000 jumps. And he recently broke a world record with some extreme and very dangerous jumping in the Himalayas. Seriously. Find out the three things you need to know about military jumping. Discover how elite forces use jumping in combat and covert missions. Hear the secret to how he surviv