Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Survive. Must Know Tips from a SEAL Team 6 Bad Ass



Insider survival tips from top tactical professionals is something you need to know. And today, Allison is hooking you up with tips from Andy Stumpf, a Navy SEAL who served in the legendary SEAL Team 6. Jungle. Arctic. Desert. Mountains. Deep under water...natural disaster. You’ll get to learn what operators in SEAL Team 6 master in order to survive in this planet’s most extreme terrains - and if a natural disaster strikes back at home. Find out the 2 things SEAL Team 6 guys know that you should know to survive in those dangerous places. And if an epic threat hits your hometown....what then? Do you know the 2 things you should have in your car to survive bad stuff happening? Do you have the 3 top things at home ready in case something happens like the power goes out for weeks? What is the one major and easily mistake that can kill you in a threatening situation? You’ll leave this episode with this need to know information. Andy provides his advice so you'll be ready. This is also a jam-packed episode full of