Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Learn How to Think Like a SEAL Team 6 Commander



Epic rescue mission of an American prisoner of war. The very first successful rescue since WWII. Today you get to meet and hang with Commander Dave Sears who led the ground assault in this dangerous, remarkable and historic mission.  Commander Sears served 20 years with the SEAL teams - and with the legendary SEAL Team 6 (Development Group). Missions on 5 continents in more than 40 countries. You are getting ultra-special access – Commander Sears himself takes you inside this epic, brave mission blow by blow. But that’s not all, this week Allison is also hooking you up with exclusive insider knowledge on how to think not just like a SEAL Commander – which is awesome - but like a SEAL Team 6 Commander! Commander Sears draws upon his deep experience leading SEAL Team 6 men and gives you advice on how to make better decisions and faster decisions in business and in life.  What if you get in a jam? A dangerous situation? With plenty of experience making split second decisions in highly