Tara Marie Live! Mental, Emotional, Physical, Social, And Spiritual Heath

Episode #37: The Brittany Maynard Story: 4 Years Later with guest Dan Diaz



In October of 2014, 29-year old newlywed, Brittany Maynard, became international news when her story went public. She was diagnosed with the most aggressive form of brain cancer—a glioblastoma. Knowing her death would involve relentless pain and suffering, Brittany took control of her own dying process by moving from California to Oregon, which is one of eight states with authorized medical-aid-in-dying. Brittany’s final wish was that people in all 50 states could have this option. She spent the final weeks of her life advocating for this, and her husband, Dan Diaz, continues her fight. Dan works with an organization called, Compassion & Choices, advocating for the expansion of end-of-life options for all terminally ill people. This compelling story may change how you think about both life and death.