Polish With John For Beginners

001 Nazywam się Jan Oko



A podcast show for learners of Polish, episode 1. In this episode, you will find some information about me. It can be a model for you when you want to say something about yourself. And I hope that we're going to get to know each other better.On my blog, you can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary: https://wp.me/p4D8ou-aYIn the podcast I used the file Hoerspielwerkstatt_HEF from freesound.org.This is a podcast for people learning Polish. It's aimed to help you achieve your language goals and improve your listening comprehension skills.To jest podcastem dla uczących się polskiego. Jego celem jest pomóc w osiąganiu celów językowych oraz podnieść umiejętności rozumienia ze słuchu.