Polish With John For Beginners

029 Gry komputerowe



Hobbies and entertainment are an important part of our lives. One of the very modern ways of spending your free time is to play computer games. That's why todayI'll tell you about my favourite games. Enjoy! :)You can find a full transcript of this episode and some exercises to review grammar and vocabulary on my blog: https://wp.me/p4D8ou-Y3If you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ioannesoculusIn the podcast, I used "Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music (attribution not required)This is a podcast for people learning Polish. It's aimed to help you achieve your language goals and improve your listening comprehension skills.To jest podcastem dla uczących się polskiego. Jego celem jest pomóc w osiąganiu celów językowych oraz podnieść umiejętności rozumienia ze słuchu.