Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

104: It’s Time to Hit the Pause Button



OK, no need to bury the lead — the title of this post says it all: “It’s time to hit the pause button on Get Your Message Heard.”  It’s not a hasty (or easy) decision, and it is one that I’ve literally spent the last 3 months debating.  The driving force behind all that deliberation is my core and foundational belief that what matters most for all of us is playing to our strengths as much as we possibly can. It’s simply never made sense to me for people to work so hard on becoming good at stuff they don’t do well when they can create far more impact when they get better at doing the things they already do well.  That’s why I found the book Now Discover Your Strengths by Donald O. Clifton and Marcus Buckingham so compelling when it first came out. Completing the included assessment and learning my top 5 strengths (from the list of 34 total strengths) was liberating and affirming.  It also put a lot of things into perspective for me. Like why I always think about the bigger picture and believe so stron