Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

103: The Real Story Behind My 60 Pound Weight Loss



If you’ve been listening to the last few episodes of Get Your Message Heard, you’ve recognized that a lot of thinking has been going on in my world. In fact, I’ve done more (and better) strategic thinking about my business in 2019 than I have allowed myself to do in a long time.  A big driver of that has been the realignment of myself with my brand and my vision. Let me explain.  For years I’ve been living out of balance. Medicating myself with sugar and riding the emotional roller coaster that comes with that — something that it took me much too long to realize was in my way.  In this week’s episode I share a bit more about that and reveal the real story behind my 60+ pound weight loss, including the inciting incident that ‘woke’ me to the need to FINALLY solve a lifelong problem.  It’s not being shared to push anyone to make a similar journey, but instead to help Get Your Message Heard listeners understand why this change in the way I physically walk the planet now has been so impactful in my vison