
Oh snap, it's Spiderman time. And let me complain about Hereditary for a sec.



Whats up true believers Going hard Marvel today which I guess is a welcome break from the DC lovefest that this podcast is I finally picked up Spooderman for PS4 holy shit is it fun Grab the game as soon as you can its such a good timeSpiderman doesnt get the respect he deserves Guy fights hard street level and planetary level and Ive always loved that I have a theory that everyone actually lovesloved Spiderman at a certain age usually as kids Hes fun colourful a good dude etc I remember webshooting as a kid and I think we all do Somewhere along the lines we fall away from the Spider but this game definitely rewarms appreciation for Peter and his webbed quips Lastly what the fuck was wrong with Hereditary Really I dont know I didnt like it and I dont know why But that does still mean it was disappointing and that hurt after all the hype of how its the new uberfilm Ah well Maybe the family can sell off her model dioramas as Warhammer terrain somewhereCheers guys enjoy whats left of October Ill definitely do a