
Start the new year right, just wait to buy Fallout 76



Happy new year Although chances are more people will catch this episode long after New Years Day but whatever Welcome back folks today were cutting through a few solid pieces of culture Ive got some games some movies and some other stuff on the menu I guess its worth warning you of spoilers but I always feel the kind of people listening to this have probably gotten caught up on the source material first anyway Yes there is a background noise Im sorry I wanted to test filming in this huge industrial turbine space at my work Fear not no work was sacrificed in the process of making the episode unless that is your sort of thing then yeah totally I tried to keep it to a minimal dull roar but hopefully it isnt a distraction or unpleasant for yall Well I go right into Fallout 76 finally and its really not pretty Thats not to say that the game is an outrite disaster I specifically say in the title you should wait to buy the game The reason is that its not done At least it feels like its not It feels like my copy