
Venom is sticky, but does it stick?



I know the name is dumb But honestly one of the more satisfying parts of the movie was watching the Symbiote blobs be so viscous gross and well sticky The whole thing kinda reminds me of those sticky hands that you get at a carnival or dollar store You swing it at smooth surfaces people etc Until one day its darkened and covered in layers of dirt and fur and then its no use to anyone Thats all probably some kind of analogy for the movie But look I didnt hate the movie sorry Dave I even thought some of it actually had franchise potential But there were 2 big problems for me firstly the pacing was terrible meaning that you watch the entire first hour of the movie not giving a shit about the failing overacted everyday life that Eddie the handsome hobo Brock leads Relationship jargon career obstacles and a bunch of other things fail to interest the viewer leaving me asking myself when is he going to start Venoming Once the action builds the problem becomes more centered on your terrible predictable villain and un