Deborah's Corporate Hard Talk (dcht)

Dr Didar Sohi - The Tech World and Challenging Status Quo



In this episode of DCHT Deborah had a candid sit down with DR Didar Sohia a Security Consultant and all round tech enthusiast. In the episode we had a lovely chat about his diverse career and academic background in the UK and US. This one in my opinion is great episode to listen check out, especially if you are into challenging status quo and evolving academically and in the working world. The strongest take home from Didar is his wealth of knowledge in the tech industry, turning down studying at Oxford University, gaining scholarships to study in the US and changing his course form Architecture to Electrical and Computer Engineering. Didar’s interest is also in getting minorities and women into tech and really advices that communication is key to help you get from A to B and on how to navigate your way in a conversation where you will command lucrative actions. On DCHT Didar advocates and encourages listeners to invest in self learning, using YouTube to get the basics and to learn, that you don’t need cert