
From the Portfolio of Guillaume Ferrand



Guillaume Ferrand is an illustrator who approaches his work with careful research, deliberate intentions, and a willingness to experiment. He draws inspiration from literature, old movies, classical paintings, architecture, fashion collections, tiles—anything and everything he comes across can feed into his creative output. Besides being an illustrator who is able to draw on many resources, Guillaume uses his artistic series as ways to think about who he is and question his own behavior and prejudices. Illustrations by Guillaume Ferrand Audio by Elphick Wo Follow this podcast with the visuals for the full story here: What is MAEKAN? MAEKAN is a membership-based publication and community focused on the sights and sounds of creative culture. We're about learning, participating, and connecting with a global community on a deeper level that social media just doesn't provide. We’re defining the future of creative culture. We don't have all t