Blue Falcon Podcast

Blue Falcon Podcast Episode Two!



It's already episode two of the Blue Falcon podcast and there is a lot of area to cover.  In this episode we go over the listener responses to what games you are dominant at, and also covering a lot of news, mainly from the Game Developer's Conference, including information on Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain and the insane implications of virtual reality.We also feature our very first Pit Crew Review, this time it's for the new Nintendo 3DS release: Majora's Mask 3D.  We go over the pros and cons as well as the final score, so make sure you check out all we have to say.In shop talk we discuss the new information on Unreal Engine 4, which is free, and how Unity responded.We also leave you with a question, which is: what retro (or otherwise lately ignored) franchise would you like to see make a comeback in the near future?  We've already seen a lot of this lately, so chime in and let us know what's being left out so far.How will you get a hold of us?  I'm glad you asked.Facebook: htt