

The Fear Free Childbirth podcast is back! After a year off, I'm back... lots of great episodes coming too! In this episode, I talk about my new book, Fearless Birthing. I get lots of emails asking what reading people should do, well, my answer to that is simple: my Fearless Birthing book! When I was pregnant, I didn’t read any books. I was tokophobic and one aspect that affects many women with tokophobia is that reading about birth can be very difficult - it can easily trigger their fears or panic attacks - and this happened to me. So I’m the last person to ask about birth books. My Facebook group is a great place to ask that question! Fearless Birthing Book So today I’m going to talk about my book and share with you what you can expect from it - in a very top-line fashion. It’s nearly 100,000 words and pretty meaty, so I will NOT be going into the detail... I just want to give you an overview so that you can decide whether it might be a good one for you to read. As I go through the chapters I also mentio