Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 114 - Deceased Cooks



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie scans a home to see if a ghost is randomly turning on kitchen appliances. What she discovers is heartwarming and hilarious. Then, a caller asks Julie if her husband has been unfaithful and whether or not she should remain married to him. The answers Julie receives are not what you would expect. A woman from California wants Julie to help figure out what is causing her eczema and another caller asks Julie if harassment at work and a failed love life are being caused by Mercury retrograde. In addition, a woman calling in from Maui asks Julie for business guidance and another woman asks for direction on how to claim her inheritance in Hungary. Lastly, a caller wants to know the significance of a hawk following her on morning walks. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Also, to show her appreciation to all her listeners, Julie