
Tango&Cash Podcast, Episode 16 - “I guess a live podcast is called the radio"



Friday the 13th The Knights Templar "It was one of the most careful, thought out, planned executions in history." Live podcasts "I guess a live podcast is called the radio" Quickest NYE recap ever Ned's dry January "When you're our age and you're having picklebacks something has gone awry" That guy who doesn't drink at a bar Guy leaves a “tip” for bleached blonde bartender: “You would look a lot better with normal hair” "He was homeless plus" Bose headphones "Ned is an expert on planes now" "I could go on about planes for a long time" "The whole point of the call button is to get more drinks" The Bachelor "It's like they've never seen life before” “What do you think is worse for women in this country The Bachelor or a Republican Congress?" The Gregory Effect "Indian food's time is coming" Star Wars "R2D2 is very underrated as the MVP of the franchise" "Ned and George Clooney have beef" "Not gonna be the last time I lose something to George Clooney" Celeb sightings