The Pe Geek Podcast

Episode 92 - Choice & Voice with Mike Ginicola



In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast we speak with Mike Ginicola about the value of leveraging student choice & voice in thje Physical Education classroom. This has taken many forms in Mike's classes & has been empowered by the use of Gamification & Emerging Technologies. He also shares his love for the Plickers app and how he was able to take it to the next level using Magnets.Resources mentioned in this episodePlickers, ClassCraft, Balance It Jump It  TranscriptionDuration: [00:19:33][00:00:28] Jarrod Robinson: Alright hello everyone and welcome to episode number 92 of the PE podcast and as always it's an absolute pleasure to have you here. Now, I'm joined today by Mike Ginicola. How are you?[00:00:39] Mike Ginicola: Good Jarrod, thank you for having me here.[00:00:42] Jarrod Robinson: Absolute pleasure. Now, we're sitting here doing a little bit of time zone math trying to work out where we are in relation to each other, but for our listeners where are you based and how lo