Challenge Your Thinking With Dr. Linda Tucker

"Curiosity" Rover: Adam Steltzner



Adam Steltzner went from being described (by New Yorker Magazine) "as a dropout and small town playboy with few skills and fewer prospects" to someone who made history. This episode is about how Adam took that kind of history and made history.  And, not only history, but history that each and every one of us followed in the news.  If you ever wondered how the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab successfully landed a 2,000 pound, 2 and a half billion dollar Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars a very special historian is here to enlighten us and teach us that we can be called many names in life, and we always have the ability to prove others wrong.  Adam Steltzner is the lead NASA Engineer and manager for entry, descent and landing on Mars. He has also written a book about this experience and his own entitled, The Right Kind of Crazy,”  and we are lucky enough to have him tell us all about what it takes to make our passion(s) a reality.