George Mosoh

GEORGE MOSOH Live @ Mercedes Bar (08.02.13)



EN:At last a new work from me... and U can't imagine what kind ;) In the center of the Moscow megalopolis there is a building, where from Soviet times, from a bird's-eye view on the capital the unforgettable look opened. The name of this skyscraper building is the hotel "Ukraine". On 30th floor of this hotel, today belonging the world famous network - "Radisson", located "Mercedes Bar", which offers a spectacle of great beauty - view of night Moscow. Now check out the video (below - in Ru description) and imagine that your window is opened the same form and compare the music I was playing. - Are both suitable?! I wish U a pleasant listening and magical fantasies!_________________________________________________________RU: В центре московского мегаполиса находится здание, откуда еще с советских времен, с высоты птичьего полета на столицу открывался незабываемый вид. Имя этой высотки - гостиница "Украина". Именно на 31 этаже этой гостиницы, сегодня принадлежащей мировой сети "Radisson", расположился "Merced