What Christians Should Know

Episode 2.11b: The Christian and the State



How should a Christian relate to the State (civil government), those in positions of secular authority and society-at-large? How should a Christian relate to governments that behave badly? Does God have a preference for which political party His followers belong to? Intelligent faith provides clarity and meaningful answers to these pressing questions in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election. In Part II, we will discuss civil obedience and civil disobedience. Jesus and the apostles Paul and Peter give us clear, explicit instructions on what the Christian's normal stance toward the State should be. However at times, things may stray far away from normal. Get the Biblical prescription for when obedience actually demands disobedience. Also find out the revealing truth of what the prophets tell us about what to do when there seem to be an increasing number of external threats that pose a risk to national security.