Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2005 [audio] Presentations From The Security Conference

David Maynor: NX: How Well Does It Say NO to Attacker's eXecution Attempts?



NX. It's known by different names to different people. AMD calls it Enhanced Virus Protection, or EVP. Microsoft calls its support Data Execution Prevention, or DEP. After the press about how this new technology will stop hackers and worms in their tracks, many people call it a modern marvel. But this new technology has several layers of confusion surrounding it in regards to where it is implemented, how it protects and even when its on. This talk will unwrap the information while showing that at best NX is a speed bump and not a stop sign to malicious intruders. David Maynor is a research engineer with the ISS Xforce research and development team where his primary responsibilities include reverse engineering high risk applications, researching new evasion techniques for security tools, and researching new threats before they become widespread. Before ISS Maynor spent the 3 years at Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech), with the last two years as a part of the information security group as an applicati