Will Chou

10 Most Common Life Mistakes Young People Make



“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” – Warren Buffett. This quote means a lot to me because people don’t learn from others’ mistakes. Instead of studying the history of business, successful people, and failures, most people spend their time watching YouTube, television, or Netflix. Because of that, they consistently repeat the mistakes of their ancestors. “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes” -Mark Twain This provides a huge opportunity for you to get ahead if you just spend a bit of time to study the past and look for patterns. You could save years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in failed investments. Personally, I’ve learned quite a few financial lessons this year from the mistakes of others, here’s one: Make sure you read and understand all of any contract you sign. * An older example: