Will Chou

How To Develop Persistence: Tactics To Never Give Up



Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. -Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba If you’ve been studying successful people for any decent length of time, you know how important never giving up is. Life is long and you never know what may turn in your favor over that time. But how do you develop persistence when you fail at staying consistent at most things in life? What if you fail at not giving up when it comes to simple things, like maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding fast food, and always exercising? Well, I used to be a quitter. But now I have maintained a very consistent exercise routine, meditation routine, and I have uploaded 1,000 YouTube videos on my channel without quitting. I’ll explain how you can do the same with science. Listen now: Like this episode? Please subscribe and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. It