Entertainment Cube

What Price Are You Willing To Pay For Good Luck? - Teen Paheliyaan - Part 3



Can someone offer you good luck? It's not blessings, not prayers and as they say in the short film not a black magic. What price are you willing to pay for it? The four letter word that excites and attracts most human beings, Free is the cause of many addictions as well as sufferings that we have today. I am not going in to the whole contraversy around social media. The premise of this short film is the price one has to pay to get good luck post the free trial is over. How we get excited by free or free trial and ignore what happens post that. Why do we rely on someone else giving us good luck than our own ability? Tina Desai has played the role of Jenny really well. Kunal Roy Kapoor maintains his poker face as a salesman of Good luck. Darshan Jariwala does his job as cop. This is written and directed by Sujoy Ghosh, seemed a little incomplete and unexplained. Without understanding the logic and rationale as well as how the entire thing works, it limits the experience. Overall, I loved the Teen Paheliyan expe