All The Things With Melissa Danielle

The Art of Making Requests



I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't. ~ Audrey Lorde I've been told that being direct takes the mystery and fun out of the games people play in relationships.  You wouldn't accept a job without fully understanding what you're getting into, so why do you do that in your relationships? When do you get tired of playing games? This conversation was recorded a few years ago after a workshop Tazima hosted on learning how to make requests and receiving them. Unfortunately, I could not find the video to the slow blow job tutorial we mentioned. Tazima Ayana Davis is a relationship coach specializing in sex, intimacy, and Orgasmic Meditation. Find out what she's up to at This episode is sponsored by:    What Are Your Takeaways? Leave a comment for us here, or join us both on Twitter @honeybhol