Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

#026 - Fiery darts of the Devil



Fiery darts of the Devil. Satan loves to twist the word of God. The devil fingerprints haven't changed. Doubt, Discouragement, Diversion, Defeat, and Delay. Doubt; makes you question God's word, we second guess His character, His love, His motives, His best for us. Discouragement; makes us look at our problems instead of God's promises. Satan tempts us with bait and we take it, then he uses guilt, fear and insecurity to paralyze us. Diversion; Satan loves to divert us from God's plan. He offers nothing but a cheap imitation through deception and fraud. Defeat; Makes you feel like a failure. We walk away from God into defeat. Delay; The devil wants us to delay our time, intimacy, fellowship, worship and prayer with God, and our decision of salvation, and repentance. Delaying is giving a deaf ear to what you need to do. Gen 3, Gen 1:26, 1Tim 3:6, Gal 6:9, Isa 14:2, Ezk 28:12-19, Psa 34:2, Psa 119:60, 1John 2:15-16