Nehma Ministries Podcast

I'm a Father Too - Just2 | وأنا كمان بيّ - دقيقتين_بس



Few weeks ago I was working and suddenly I heard God through his Holy Spirit saying literally these words: ”I'M A FATHER TOO”. As if God wants to continue an unfinished conversation and He asked me: “If your son wants to swim for the first time, how do you prepare him? I said: “I will get him a pair of floats” and then He asked me if would it be a bad pair or a good one and I said: " No, Impossible. I don’t want to kill him”. Then He said in the same way I answered: “I AM ALSO A FATHER” and when I sent Jesus Christ to this earth to rescue you, I didn’t send a bad pair of floats or a defected lifeboat. Many times, we attribute things to God which He's not responsible of, such as floods, tornadoes, war or sickness. We all know this passage where Jesus and the disciples were rejected in a Samaritan village and asked Jesus to call fire from heaven and kill them all. Luke 9:55-56: "But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destr