Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

The Lakshmi Series - Tantra and The Left-Handed Path



What can you do when all the remedies fail, both spiritual and worldly? What can you do? Well, at such a time, there is a form of yoga you can practice that will enable you to destroy everything, including yourself and your conceptions. And from this destruction will arise a creation, a new force; an energy will enter your life. This yoga is, I suppose, the most dangerous of the yogas. But then again, you get to a point where it really doesn't matter. One can get to a point where nothing is working. We're headed off the cliff, plummeting to the bottom, so why not try one last thing? When you've sunk as low as you can get--or so you think because there's no end to the depths to which you can fall as there is no end to the heights to which you can rise--when you feel, as my grandfather used to say, "lower than a snake's ass,' at such a moment, when everything and nothing works, it's time to practice tantra. Tantra is the left-handed path, meaning it is the road less taken. Tantra comes from the Far East. And