Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

Tantric Buddhism - Computer Science



I like computers. I've got a few of them, and I keep them around the house. Sometimes they're turned on, sometimes they're turned off. I like them as much when they're off as when they're on. I just like computers. They're like pets -- but you don't have to feed them too much, a little electricity once in a while. But they're nice. Sometimes I get different ones just because I like the way they look. They're just fun to have around the house. I like their aura. I like their energy. I like the energy of computers. Computer science is very interesting from an occultist's point of view because it has to do with zeros and ones -- it has to do with analysis. In order to experience enlightenment, in order to be enlightened, to be enlightenment, in order to raise into upper gradients of pure celestial light, it is necessary to refine the mind completely. The issue is style. There is style in fashion, but there is style in states of mind. Some people are connoisseurs of states of mind, just as some people are conno