Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

Zen Tapes - Psychic Development



Everyone is psychic. You are psychic. Psychic is not a particular talent; it is an ability that we all have. Everybody has a left foot. Some people may just walk with that foot, some people may drag it, some may learn to dance with it. Everyone is innately psychic. It's a part of your mind. What does it mean to be psychic? Essentially it means to feel, rather than to think all the time. There are two general modes of perception. There are many, but there are two that we see most frequently in this world, and that's thinking and feeling. Feeling, not in the sense of the senses -- hot, cold, pleasant, unpleasant, pain, pleasure -- but feeling in a more intuitive sense. Feeling love from someone, feeling anger from someone, that kind of feeling -- a non-sensorial feeling having to do with the emotional body and the psychic body. Thinking is analysis, perception, measurement, random association. It's a way of figuring something out. But to be honest, most decisions are not made through analysis. Please visit ht