Accent Adventure Podcast: Improve English Pronunciation | Learn American English | Learn British English

American “Ash” (æ) Sound Video #3: My Video Response to Greg’s Comment



Initially I published a video on the American “ash” sound where I shared my observations in relation to how the letter ‘A’ is pronounced in certain words in American English. Then, more than a year later, I published a follow-up on the original video where I’m talking about my latest revelations in connection with the same phenomenon – namely, certain words are transcribed as having the traditional (æ) sound in them while in reality the letter ‘A’ is pronounced more like (eh) in words such as “and”, “hamburger”, “animal” and a bunch of others. The video above is a video response to a comment I received on the latest video where Greg points out a few things regarding the “ash” sound and how it’s pronounced in those words I’m bringing up as examples: All 'a' sounds are exactly how you were pronouncing them originally, as an [ah] sound as in 'can', 'bat', 'hand', 'man', and 'hamper', unless you're talking fast and relaxed then 'can' does become more like [kihn], not [kehn].  The [eh] sound for 'a' is more of a