Off The Grid With Russell Hicks

Episode 15 - Brian Moses



LISTEN TO THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO SIT IN RUSSELL SIMMONS' POOL Brian Moses crosses the Atlantic to film his TV show ‘Roast Battle’ which will now be coming out on Comedy Central UK. Before he could do that though, he needed to throw out the international bat signal in an effort to draw out one former Southern California resident turned renegade ex-patriot. Needless to say I heeded the call. Since I am so far off the grid as this podcasts title would suggest, I had no idea he was ver here filming a tv show. He treated me like a prince with red carpet full access pass to the festivities. It was incredible to witness such a production, especially since I realized I had known Brian since I was but a guppy in the great pond of live entertainment (I now have fully formed hind legs in addition to a semi retracted tail) We sat down for an extremely candid interview about the process of having an idea taken from it’s raw form as a live show, to a full fledged, global, cable production. New solo