Fear Free Childbirth Podcast With Alexia Leachman | Childbirth | Pregnancy

Tora’s Fearless Birth Story from Sweden



My guest today is Tora, a podcast listener, and we had a few emails back and forth during her pregnancy, but what was so fabulous is that Tora emailed me to tell me about her amazing fearless birth. [spp-player optin="off" ctabuttons="off" url=“youraudio.mp3"] Tora's Fearless Birth "Thank you so much for your podcast. It has been a wonderful tool for me to learn about birth and unlearn birthing fears. I have listened to almost all of your episodes including the head trash clearing method. I combined your material with two free hypnobirthing meditation tracks I found online and used that to prepare for my birth. And on sunday I gave birth to my first baby! Birth was incredibly fast and easy. Not even eight hours from first small contraction until my little baby was born. I was booked to go to a hospital here in Stockholm that I really trust, but in the end they were over booked and we went to another hospital that we knew nothing about. I gave birth only an hour after coming in to hospital though, so the su