Love Bombers

The Story of a Brave and Adventurous Love Bomber, with Meg Rosecrans



Meg’s Love Bomber work is a combination paramedic, paramedic instructor, and take life by the hands optimistic adventure seeker.  She inspires people to live each day to the fullest, and, she’s overcome some challenges in the pursuit of a full life.  She has a condition called “Achalasia” and has grown up with a shorter arm than most, leading her to look a little different than the norm.  She begins by sharing about how she learned as a kid to help disarm others confusion or discomfort with humor.She goes on to share how she intentionally brings an extra touch of love to her job as paramedic, helping people while they are having very, very bad days.  Her ability to care for others in her environment is inspiring, coupled with her own dedication to living an "alive' life of adventure.I hope this adventure inspires anyone needing a lift off of the rut and the couch to get on out there and try.