
UnReddited with Countless Screaming Argonauts June 20, 2011



On this episode the boys invite Denali and jump right into some favorite Reddit stories of the week. Maqz talks about the discovery of archaeological site in Turkey that could be the dawning of man's religious beliefs. Next up is some discussion about gene patenting. Maqz does a few more TIL's about movie sets and then goes "gunslinger" on Bill Gates and Thomas Edison after they talk about some recent TED Talks. T Fab P brings up a thread he saw about why printers still suck and Maqz as IT specialist takes on the issue. Maqz also brings up a thread about deep dark secrets and how the Reddit hive mind deals with that sort of thing. Maqz ends up giving a lesson in first cousins once removed and second cousins. Give UnReddited a listen