From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Becoming a Master of Your Vibration - Creating the Life of Your Dreams - with Estaryia Venus



Estaryia lead us through a powerful group process that will allow you to download a POWERFUL vibration into your cells so you release whatever is holding you back! We experienced INCREDIBLE energy from this process! You MUST try it!!!   57m 38s - Powerful, powerful, powerful. My entire being was vibrating. I feel totally rejuvenated ~ Collette   -50m 16s - Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,that was off the hook high energy sounds! Speechless!Thanks,thanks,thanks ~Donna   50m 50s - YAY! My Cat Kitty-Kay Meow-Meow, who is one of the most finicky unloving cats ran into the room, jumped on the bed and kept meowing, climbing on the computer and all over me and really into the transmission. Now she is at the end of the bed sleeping like a quiet little baby!!! WHOA!! Thank you! ~ Karyn   Listen till the very end where Estaryia does a SECOND powerful transmission to activate the Divine Feminine energy so you can feel Powerful, Peaceful, Joyful and in touch with masterful manifestation energy of the DF!!!! It is totally yummy!   The