From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

iZone® Healing - with Michael Allenbright



Michael Allenbright was born with supernatural healing capability which he has honed with over 30 years of intense practice.   He has been taught by several enlightened teachers including a disciple of Yogananda Paramahamsa.   Plus he’s a genius in science and technology… working at Motorola for 16 years where he pioneered the development of 3G and 4G cellular technologies.   On this call you’ll discover what happens when science and spirituality mix with his proprietary iZone® Technology that harnesses a powerful healing energy from the Himalayas and beams it to a person 24 hours a day wherever they may be located.   iZone® Healing is completely unique (there’s nothing else like it in the world) and it’s the most natural form of healing.   It’s the combination of Energetic and Intention Healing into one powerful system… you’ll be in the presence of the most creative, gentle and kind energy 24/7 as you heal and uplift your life.   iZone® Healing will overcome deep psychological wounds as well as physical is