From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Changing Your Vibrational Set Point - with Jarrad Hewett



This call was full of clearings! We were in tears for most of the call!   Plus Jarrad let us have sneak peak of his POTENT product yet!!!! You don't want to miss a taste of these incredibly high and delicious energies! You know that a low frequency vibration is connected to negative emotions.   And that the higher your vibration… the better you feel.   You’ve probably seen Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research into how vibration affects water (which is 80% of our body) and how it’s affecting you.   Yet knowing you need to keep your vibrational frequency high and actually doing it are two very different things.   On this call Jarrad Hewett showed us how Vibrational Sound Therapy can help us raise our frequency and keep it there for the next year (and beyond).   Plus we can do it while relaxing for just a few minutes a day… that’s literally all it takes.   This is probably the easiest way to create massive change in your life with the least effort.   Don’t miss this call… ORDER JOY NOW!!!     Learn how you can raise you