From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Healing Your Money Scars – the Hidden Programs and Beliefs That Keep You Struggling for Money and Frustrated with Your Results- with Michelle Manning-Kogler



Like it or not… money plays a critical role in our lives.   And yet most people like us who have amazing gifts to share are afraid to get paid our worth (I sure know I USED to be like that!).   Well it’s time to eliminate the negative programming of your money beliefs from childhood.   To stop your own subconscious mind from sabotaging your results.   Because the more money you earn… the more people you can help.   And Michelle Manning-Kogler will help you see the light with her revolutionary Quantum Soul Clearing Process.   Afterwards you’ll feel better… even lighter about money.   And many people are brought to tears as they release subconscious burdens from their shoulders. You owe it to yourself (and your family) to listen to this call so you can get your finances sorted… once and for all.       ORDER JOY NOW!!!       You can’t FIGHT your money beliefs… but you can CHANGE them to align with your goals   In this call: Why 96-98% of your thoughts and feelings about money are subconscious (and that’s what’