Lets Ask The Angels!

Staying True to Yourself: Speaking Your Truth



Hello and welocme,This is a teaching episode. I am guided to share information to help us be fully empowered with using our voice.Supporting ourselves by fully awakening our throat chakra. Activating the Throat Chakra and its 33 chambers or lessons. Also a Visualization for Archangel Michael's Sword of Truth. From Diana Cooper's book The Golden Future. When our throat chakra is fully aligned and open we are more able to speak our truth and stand in our power. Also I have a special event: Angel Circle a free Zoom one hour on February 21st at 7pm EST. Register at my website to get your free Zoom link.     Barbara Calvano – BCALVANOCOACHING Empowering Your Body Mind & Spirit              Angel Healing Circle – Barbara Calvanowww.youtube.com/@BarbaraCalvano444