Startups For the Rest of Us

Episode 751 | TinySeed Tales s4e2: From Developer to Manager



In this episode of TinySeed Tales, Rob Walling catches up with Colleen Schnettler, co-founder of Hammerstone, about the progress her team has made since their initial check-in.  Colleen describes the tough decision to focus on one product stack, and their recent pivot toward building a reporting MVP. They also discuss Colleen’s shift into a more managerial role. Topics we cover:  (2:10) – Motivations behind building additional functionality (7:07) – Repositioning the reporting dashboard (10:08) – Focusing in on the successful part of the product (14:30) – How shifting focus affects the team dynamic (16:19) – ”Hiring is horrible” (22:20) – What has management been like? (26:11) – Growing as a manager Links from the Show:  Invest with TinySeed Colleen Schnettler (@leenyburger) | X Colleen Schnettler ( | Bluesky Refine by Hammerstone Hello Query Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell  Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss, Tahl Raz