

Desert At some point in our lives, we will find ourselves in the desert. A place of heat and barrenness. We’re talking about the Mojave or Sahara in July, not Palm Springs. The word desert is the Hebrew word “midbar” which comes from the root word “dabar” meaning “to speak.” The Lord speaks to us in those desert places. It’s where everything we rely upon for comfort is stripped from us. Things we thought we needed but realized we didn’t. Things that may have kept us from hearing God speak. Deserts aren’t comfortable. But deserts can be very educational. Not all of our deserts are the same. For some, it might look like caring for a loved one for a long time. For others, it might be dealing with an extended illness. Or perhaps financial challenge. Or a season of no writing productivity. Maybe a season of depression. A divorce, death of a spouse, a season of one rejection after another where you can’t seem to win for losing. Maybe moving to an area where you don’t know anyone. Deuteronomy 32:10-12 Where is God w