Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

3 Habits of Wise Leaders



Good leaders want to do the right thing. But sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Have you ever made a really dumb choice that cost you a relationship or an opportunity? It’s so discouraging to realize you’ve made an avoidable mistake. It can even make you question your decision making ability. But you can recover. When we see people who seem to always make the best decision, it’s tempting to believe that they’re just smarter than we are, or maybe have a unique gift. Not true! Nobody is born wise. The good news is that wisdom is a trait you can acquire. Over a lifetime of practice (and the mistakes to go with it) we’ve distilled our learning into 3 habits that wise leaders consistently practice. Put these habits to work for you, and you’ll begin to see a huge difference. You’ll avoid the regret and disappointment that come with repeated failure. Your decision making will improve, you’ll make better choices, and you’ll become the respected leader you aspire to be. Once you’ve listened to this episo