

Last week's podcast episode was on How to Become a Millionaire Using the Miracle Equation which is a (30-minute) interview that I recorded on the Eventual Millionaire podcast with Jaime Masters. I shared that with you because I felt it was the most concise explanation/training of The Miracle Equation that I had ever given. This week, we're taking a similar (but more in-depth) path. Today's episode is also a recent interview that someone else did with me, only this time instead of being "concise" it's actually the most "in depth" explanation/training I've ever given on the Miracle Equation, and I did so in this (60-minute) conversation with Mike Dillard on the Mike Dillard Podcast. In this episode, we dive deep and offer new insights into how the Miracle Equation came into existence six years before I created the Miracle Morning, why miracles aren’t about praying, waiting, or hoping, the REAL purpose of goals and how to commit to achieving goals (regardless of your outcomes), and the incredible life changes th