Achieve Your Goals With Hal Elrod: Success | Productivity | Personal Development | Lifestyle | Business

276: The #1 Key to Immediate and Lasting Happiness with Ryland Engelhart



On a scale of 1-10, how grateful would you say that you are every day, in each moment, and how present are you for all that you have to be grateful for? Personally, I believe that GRATITUDE is the key to true and lasting happiness, and I would humbly rate myself at a “9” on the gratitude scale. But that wasn’t always the case for me. In fact, quite the opposite. Just ask my mom. She’ll tell you that, growing up, gratitude was definitely NOT one of my strengths. It wasn’t until I learned the power that gratitude has in determining the quality of our lives that I made it a priority and the quality of my life my life has been radically transformed as a result. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was immediately grateful (literally). For what you might be wondering? For the extraordinary adversity that I believed would provide me the opportunity to learn, grow, and become a better version of myself. On today’s podcast episode, you’ll meet one of the most genuinely grateful people I have ever met – someone whom I