Achieve Your Goals With Hal Elrod: Success | Productivity | Personal Development | Lifestyle | Business

345: How to Effectively Set and Achieve Your Goals with Geoff Woods



Most of us have important goals that we’d like to achieve. However, it can be challenging to keep our process for setting and achieving goals focused, strategic, and disciplined — especially when we feel overwhelmed.  To help us get back on track, I’ve turned to my good friend, Geoff Woods, who is arguably one of the most qualified experts I’ve ever encountered when it comes to maintaining an effective process for setting and achieving goals. Geoff is the Vice President of The ONE Thing, host of The ONE Thing podcast, and he’s on a mission to help people better use their time for achieving extraordinary results.  Today, Geoff joins the podcast to talk about the big mistakes people make when setting goals, how to apply proven principles to your goal setting, and how to shift your mindset to solve problems and grow as a human being, partner, and leader. Get The Full Show Notes To get full access to today's show notes, including audio, transcript, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit